Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cheap entertainment

I’m sitting at my computer watching our bird feeder out my window. We have 2 very large male blue jays taking turns at the feeder. A squirrel is waiting patiently on the ground (well, maybe NOT so patiently, based on the twitch in his tail). Mommy and Daddy cardinal are sitting in the lilacs waiting, too, for their turn. The sparrows wait a little further up in the branches.

The cause of all the commotion is the “Circus-grade Peanuts” filling the feeder. Apparently they are a HUGE hit and will need to be restocked frequently. Everyone loves peanuts, I guess.

The best part of the peanuts is that the big bag was FREE! We were getting gas at Costco, went to throw something away, and found a full bag of peanuts in the trash. Of course WE weren’t going to eat them, but we figured the squirrels would like them if nothing else. Poor squirrels – the constant JAY! JAY! JAY! is keeping breakfast just out of reach……

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