I've been thinking about doing this for a long time, but I never seemed to get around to it. First it was winter, and who wants to do ANYTHING then. Then it was a busy time at work. Then I was "eliminated" and too depressed to think about starting something new. Finally, like a bear coming out of her cave in the spring and suddenly realizing all the beauty around her, I realized what my new life had brought. Think of it as my awakening, if you will. It's like I was slumbering, oblivious in my darkness to the light awaiting me just outside.... but now my eyes are open, the cave is a distant memory, and I'm ready to embrace the warmth that is my new life.
I spent nearly 14 years with the same company, giving them my soul in return for periodic advancement and a semi-monthly check. I worked through lunches and came in on days off to help in emergencies. My reward for my loyalty and hard-work was a quick meeting on a cold day to tell me that my position had been eliminated. I cried, I packed, and I left. I felt hurt and abandoned - unwanted by those I'd trusted and thrown away by the very people I'd built by days around. My office plants all froze and died on the walk to my car. My heart was broken.
In the first days at home it was all I could do to force myself to get up and showered and dressed, but my husband and sons required it. I threw myself full-force into looking for another job with another company that I could love as I had loved the old one. In between job searches I cleaned floors and organized closets and baked. Slowly it began to dawn on me that this was where I'd belonged all the time. My husband was happy, because he was coming home to a relaxed wife and a hot, home-cooked dinner. My boys were happy, because they were walking in the front door to the smell of just-out-of-the-oven cookies. ..but mostly I was happy - my errands were getting done, my meals were getting planned in advance, and my house was clean (no small feat, considering the dust and fur created by 3 male humans and 3 male cats).
My plan (and there is always a plan, right?) is the fill this blog with my daily life - the good and the bad. What I do, where I go, and what being a reformed workaholic is like. I'll probably even post my recipes here, and I promise to note the difference between those that we all LOVED and those that mostly went into the trash. Like brownie recipe #4..... but that's another post!
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