Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Brilliance

In case you didn't know, I spend a LOT of time in my kitchen. One of the things I complain about often is that my funnels are too slow - things don't move through them fast enough, and I tend to overflow the tops (thus making a huge mess and wasting whatever I'm trying to pour). My darling husband, who always listens (even when I don't think he is), solved my problem for me. He got me a "radiator funnel" -- designed with a very large opening for filling the radiator in a car.

This morning I made juice and everything ran right through just the way I expected it to, with no juice-mess on the counter or the floor or the outside of the container. I also made a fresh batch of all-purpose cleaner and more wet wipes, and still no spills!

Brilliant! Every kitchen should have one!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Brilliant Idea #1

I've decided, since I haven't felt like WRITING in a while, to shift the focus of this blog for a bit. I'm going to try posting ideas, tips, products, etc. that I come upon that seem to be helpful - sort of like Oprah's "favorite things" without the price tag.

The best idea I've had recently: when I fold my sheet sets, I put the set inside one of the pillow cases. The entire set is together, it's easy to grab when it's time to change the bed, I never have to hunt for a stray pillow case to complete the set, and nobody will ever know that I can't really neatly fold a fitted sheet.

There. That's one...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

He's not my little boy anymore

Our older son is set to graduate from high school in about two weeks. I'm just not ready! I know it's part of life - part of raising children - that they will (God willing) eventually grow up. Still, I wasn't prepared for how quickly it would happen. To me he will always be that curious little boy (photo courtesy of my darling husband, James). The one with the pinchable cheeks and the enormous brown eyes. I look at the man he's become and I just can't seem to take it in. He's tall (5'9" and still growing), very handsome (dark brown eyes, slightly curly dark brown hair, slender, chiseled features), and extremely bright (heading off to college next year to major in mathematics). I'm quite proud, of course, that my husband and I made, created, and nurtured this fine person. I'm especially proud that he's learned it all so well. When he voluntarily helps around the house, or holds open a car door for a friend, or stands to offer his seat to a stranger it's all I can do not to shout, "That's MY son!" We've done a good job, and I know I have to let him go.

Still, nothing prepared me for how hard it would be. I see the signs of his pulling away, and I'm just not ready for it. His bedroom door is more often closed than open, hushed phone conversations or faint guitar chords on the other side. Time out with his friends has taken the place of time at home with the family, and more often than not he's gone on weekend evenings. He's got his own life, and it's no longer the same as mine. It's still there, still connected (of course), but he's becoming the adult he's supposed to be. In my mind he'll always be my little boy, but I know I have to start giving up control.

We've taught him to fly, and now it's time to let him soar.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Spring is here, spring is here……..

Last weekend, after more than a week of below-zero temperatures, we not only broke the “0” mark, but we blasted right through “freezing” and reached into the 40’s! It was glorious and uplifting… spring at last! I could hear the robins (in my mind, I suppose) and smell the daffodils – can summer be far behind?

I know that "technically" spring begins on March 21, and that makes it nearly two months off yet. I heard recently of another group, called 21st-ers, who believe that spring begins on the Winter Solstice (since the days are getting longer then winter must be over, hence: SPRING!). I tend to go more the the Pagans, who celebrate a holiday called Imbolc soon. Imbolc (literally in milk)celebrates that the animals are beginning to give birth and produce milk, thus showing the beginnings of new life -- could anything describe spring more perfectly? Plus, Imbolc is celebrated on February 2 (which just happens to be my birthday) and I've always loved a good celebration!

Sure, we only had the warm weather for 2 days before winter slapped us in the face again (45 on Monday, -40 wind chill on Tuesday), but the promise was there all the same. It might still be cold outside, but winter is losing its hold. We've seen a crack in the misery, and the promise is there that if we can just hold on a little longer the warmth will return - longer and longer each time until it STICKS.

In the meantime, keep thinking warm sunny thoughts and be patient just a little while longer.

It might also be about time to start those seeds...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Baking Bread

I’ve recently started baking bread. Not the “knead and rise and knead and rise” kind. I like to say I’m “ too ADD” for anything that takes that long for a result. This is the no-knead artisan bread. It’s easy to mix, easy to make, and it has an earthy, natural feel to it.

The basic recipe is, to make it easy to remember, 6-3-3-13. That’s 6 cups warm water, 3 tablespoons yeast, 3 tablespoons kosher salt, and 13 cups flour. You can cut that or increase it if necessary, but that’s the recipe. Mix the ingredients in a large bowl with a wooden spoon, cover loosely, and let it rise until it flattens on top. That’s it – REALLY! From there you can either cut off a lump (about the size of a grapefruit) and make bread or put it into the refrigerator for up to two weeks and make bread whenever the urge strikes.

So far, just from that basic recipe I’ve made bread, rolls, breakfast pull-aparts (twice), a baguette, and a loaf of “sandwich” bread. The rolls were just all right, and the dough isn’t quite sweet enough for the pull-aparts (I think more experimentation is required), but the basic bread is heavenly! It’s got a gentle, cracker-y crust and a slightly cakey crumb in the center. Warm out of the oven it’s nearly gone before I finish closing the oven door. In fact, I’d better get another loaf started right now – yummy!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm back - for now

I know it's been nearly a year. I'd like to say I've been busy, but the truth is that I just can't write unless I "feel" it, and I haven't felt it for a while. Sorry, but it's the same reason I stopped writing poetry in high school. On the plus side, it means that I usually still like what I've written if I go back and read it again, even years later. On the minus side, it means that sometimes I write and sometimes I don't. Thankfully I don't do this for money - just for the pure pleasure I've always gotten from doing it. Anyway, I'm feeling like it again, for now. We'll see....