Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Brilliance

In case you didn't know, I spend a LOT of time in my kitchen. One of the things I complain about often is that my funnels are too slow - things don't move through them fast enough, and I tend to overflow the tops (thus making a huge mess and wasting whatever I'm trying to pour). My darling husband, who always listens (even when I don't think he is), solved my problem for me. He got me a "radiator funnel" -- designed with a very large opening for filling the radiator in a car.

This morning I made juice and everything ran right through just the way I expected it to, with no juice-mess on the counter or the floor or the outside of the container. I also made a fresh batch of all-purpose cleaner and more wet wipes, and still no spills!

Brilliant! Every kitchen should have one!

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